Employees’ Responsibilities After an Injury
by timelesscity
It is the duty of every employee to notify their supervisor of any illnesses, accidents, or injuries sustained at work. This must be completed at the time of the injury or, in the case of a sickness, as soon as the illness is determined to be connected to the job.
Read More: injured employee
By reporting the incident or sickness to their supervisor and helping to complete the Supervisor’s Report of Injury or Occupational Injury form, which is subsequently sent by the supervisor to the Office of Risk Management, the employee may ensure that the form is completed.
Workers’ compensation claims cannot be examined if these guidelines are not followed, which is urged to all employees. Workers may be held liable for any costs incurred and will not be eligible for workers’ compensation payments.
Medical Care
It is vital that you get attention at the closest urgent care center or emergency department. If you are gravely hurt, ask to go with someone.
Non-urgent: Seek medical attention from your preferred practitioner as soon as you can, but no later than a week following the occurrence.
When Getting Medical Care
Notify the medical professional that you are receiving treatment for an occurrence covered by workers’ compensation. For billing instructions, the office should call (202) 687-6622, the workers’ compensation claims administrator in Risk Management.
Your ID card for personal medical insurance should not be used. Travelers Indemnity Company should get a straight statement for your medical bills. Also, the University covers workers’ compensation medical claims; you won’t have to pay any co-payments or co-insurance for the treatment. NOTE: Some doctors demand payment in full at the time of service and do not accept insurance. In this case, you have to pay the amount and provide Travelers your medical receipts.
Save your receipts for any purchases you make for prescription drugs or medical care, then send them to your travel insurance adjuster.
If You’ve Been Granted Permission to Miss Work
Should you get ill or injured and be unable to return to work, you will need to provide official medical records from your healthcare provider outlining your illness or injury, the duration of your leave, and, if it’s feasible, when you expect to be back at work. Your claim can be denied if you don’t comply. You have a duty to:
Inform your supervisor of your inappropriate behavior as soon as you can.
Give the signed consent from your healthcare provider to your supervisor.
Inform your supervisor of your situation and, if feasible, when you anticipate returning to work.
Fill out and return any correspondence and forms as soon as possible.
When dealing with the Travelers adjuster assigned to your claim, cooperate and communicate.
Remain on schedule with your medical professional.
Adhere to the treatment regimen prescribed by your physician.
Notify Travelers and Risk Management of your new phone number and address if you move.
When You Go Back To Work
Upon your return to work, you will need to present your supervisor with a clearance from a healthcare provider allowing you to work with or without limitations. Talk to your supervisor about any potential modifications if your clearance has limitations. Employees lacking a medical clearance may not be permitted to return to work by the university.
Health Advantages
Your permitted, medically required care and treatment for your injuries are covered workers’ compensation benefits after Traveler has approved your claim. Physician visits, hospital stays, physical therapy, diagnostic testing, and prescription medication are just a few examples of the various forms of medical care that are available.
Benefits of Wage Replacement
You will get a portion of pay replacement benefits for missed time, backed by medical proof, after your workers’ compensation claim is accepted.
Benefits for wages are contingent upon a three-day waiting period. You are required to utilize paid, unpaid, or sick leave during this period.
Benefits for wage replacement will not exceed your typical weekly salary; instead, they will equal 66 2/3% of your pre-injury normal weekly wage. For both federal and state income taxes, deductions are not made and are not recorded as income.
Replacement Wage Limitations
Paid time off or sick leave cannot be substituted by employees for worker’s compensation pay replacement benefits. There are no exceptions, with the exception of the required three-day waiting time.
Employees are not entitled to both their normal University pay—which includes holiday pay—and workers’ compensation benefits at the same time. If a worker gets both, they must return the full amount of their normal pay to the university.
Payroll deductions at universities
The cheques for your workers’ compensation benefits are issued by an outside administrator, and the university does not subtract anything from them. Your fees for parking, exercise memberships, and other university services, as well as your health and life insurance premiums and any other benefit programs you may be participating in, remain your responsibility even while you get workers’ compensation benefits.
Medical and Family Leave
If you are receiving income benefits from workers’ compensation while missing work, you could be qualified for Family and Medical Leave. Fill out the Georgetown University Leave Request Form, then send it to Human Resources so that it may be processed. Get in touch with your human resources generalist for further details and help.
Temporary and Permanent Disability
It is not permitted for you to collect both short-term or long-term disability payments and workers’ compensation wage replacement benefits concurrently. Please get in touch with the Faculty and Staff Benefits Office for further details or help with these benefits.
If Your Request is Rejected
You can be qualified for either short-term or long-term disability if your application is rejected. To process an application, get in touch with the Faculty and Staff Benefits Office here.
To discuss your claim status and choices, you may also get in touch with your human resources generalist or the Office of Risk Management.
The Guide to Workers’ Compensation for Injured Employees
The purpose of the Injured Employee’s Guide to Workers’ Compensation is to provide you with a summary of your program-related obligations as well as contact details.
It is the duty of every employee to notify their supervisor of any illnesses, accidents, or injuries sustained at work. This must be completed at the time of the injury or, in the case of a sickness, as soon as the illness is determined to be connected to the job. Read More: injured employee By…
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