Considerations for Selecting a Kennel
by timelesscity
Are you a frequent traveler? Or do you just sometimes leave town? You should have a solid rapport with a respectable kennel regardless of how frequently you are away. Being used to his new home will not only make boarding your dog simpler, but it will also make it easier for you! Naturally, you don’t want to entrust your cherished dog to just anybody. An exceptional luxury kennels that you can return to time and time again is what you truly desire. That kind of reliable, sturdy arrangement will provide you with comfort and assurance that your cherished pet is safe, comfortable, and receiving the attention they need while you are away.
Examine the overall atmosphere.
By seeing how the staff and pets interact, you can typically get a reasonably solid idea of a kennel. It is not a good indicator if all of the employees seem nervous and unhappy. Additionally, the pets should be comfortable and well-cared for, even if some may not be thrilled to be away from home. This also applies to how you are treated on the phone and phone etiquette.
Check for Cleanliness
Take note of the kennel’s cleanliness as you tour it. Priority one should be given to cleanliness. An untidy kennel is a sign that the staff is not dedicated to maintaining hygienic and clean surroundings, which says a lot about their general standards of quality. This is not to say that you should anticipate it being spotless. After all, dogs and cats don’t make the best housemates. It should, however, typically seem tidy and well-maintained, and it most definitely shouldn’t smell like excrement or urine.
We advise inquiring about the frequency of kennel cleaning and sanitization.
Verify the Feeding and Packaging Guidelines
Whether or not you are allowed to bring Fido’s bed varies depending on the kennel. Most should, however, allow certain comfort products or toys. They must to be explicit about the food requirements as well.
Inquire About Opportunities for Pet Exercise
As an extra service, several kennels provide extra walks, playtime, or snuggle sessions. But as part of the basic plan, you should walk your dog at least twice a day. It should be plenty if Fido gets his own run.
Think About Pet Privacy
Some pets are gregarious and like hanging out with their buddies, but others are nervous and might feel uneasy among too many neighbors. Pets have to have separate sleeping areas at all times. Additionally, cats and dogs should be housed in different areas.
Verify the Kennel Configuration
A boarding kennel need to be far bigger than one seen at a groomer or veterinarian clinic. The walls and ceiling of the kennel should not restrict your pet’s ability to sit, stand, stretch, walk, or turn around.
Inquire About Safety Procedures
The safety and security features of the kennel should also be taken into account. A site with safety features like high walls, double gates, and security cameras is what you should pick. By doing these things, you can make sure that pets can’t escape.
Think About Air Quality
There will be an excellent ventilation system in a nice kennel. This lessens the likelihood of germ transmission in addition to keeping the air fresh and reducing unpleasant odors.
Check Climate Control is available.
Another crucial component to consider is climate control. You must ensure that your pet is protected from heat and/or cold, even if you live in a climate that is generally stable.
Review the policies and standards.
The pets that are allowed in reputable kennels are likewise subject to specific limitations. Puppies or kittens that have not completed their first round of vaccines, for instance, would not be accepted by many. In order to make sure that they only let pleasant, well-behaved visitors inside their establishment, they will also be careful about their clients and may even assess each pet before making a reservation. The safety of the kennel employees and the other animals they are looking after depends on that.
Examine Your Veterinary Emergency Care Options
It is important to know that your pet will receive prompt assistance in the event of an emergency, even though we hope none of you will have to cope with your pet experiencing one in a kennel. Ask the kennel whether they have a veterinarian on site or if they have a close relationship with a particular clinic.
Of course, boarding with your veterinarian has several benefits. They would already be acquainted with Fido and his health history. One-stop shopping has several benefits as well!
Inquire About the Benefits and Upgrades That Are Available
Every kennel operates somewhat differently. For their canine friends, many are starting to resemble upscale hotels or spas. Ask what extras are available for your four-legged friend! Extra hugs, snacks, catnip, playing, and walks are a few examples.
Learn About the Documentation and Vaccination Needs
Steer clear of kennels that don’t need proof of your pet’s most current vaccines. Fido would need to be current on both his core and a few non-core vaccinations, such Bordetella and Parvo, in order to be kept in good kennels. This is important because these vaccinations can shield your cat from harmful illnesses.
They could also ask for records or information about your pet’s past medical conditions. Be careful to explicitly provide all relevant information. Both written and spoken forms are preferable.
Are you a frequent traveler? Or do you just sometimes leave town? You should have a solid rapport with a respectable kennel regardless of how frequently you are away. Being used to his new home will not only make boarding your dog simpler, but it will also make it easier for you! Naturally, you don’t…
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